MageZ dostal si ma :D.... stareho epica mam 4 cap, ale nikdy viac.... a dalsi bike je canfield system ;)
09.08.2021 - 09:26:14
a na nom mas kolko capov? :)
09.08.2021 - 09:48:09
MageZ vidim ze v tom nemas jasno, ci?.... stvorcap alebo jednocap sa nevolaju podla toho kolko ,,lozisk´´ tam mas.... potom by boli systemi s nazvom desatcap :D... ale sak to ty vies, rozdiely medzi jednocapom, stvorcapom a pripadnym DW, virtual a pod....
09.08.2021 - 09:57:30
Tiež v tom nemám úplne jasno prečo sa napríklad systém volá u nás na SK 1-čap? Keď na samotnom 1-čape by sa to celé akurát otáčalo dookola a musia tam byť prítomné ďalšie "ložiská" ? V angličtine sa ako takýto systém volá? 🤔
09.08.2021 - 11:56:48
Rumakk napr.

branomelis v anglictine to volaju "single pivot"
09.08.2021 - 12:00:58
a ten single pivot ma kolko tych capov ? :D

branomelis v jednoduchosti a krase je to vysvetlene tu: ...nie kazdy cap, resp. lozisko je oznacene ako cap v nazve prepakovania.... potom mam ja mnohocap:D
09.08.2021 - 12:16:29
No veď ja viem čo sa tým zhruba myslí..Len napríklad ten single pivot má ten hlavný čap..a potom ešte 2 na okách tlmiča..a mne je len tak ľúto, že sa na ne zabúda :) Ale to by potom sa ozaj volal každý systém : Mnohočap ...Už ten FourBar je lepší názov - tam už nie sú spomenuté kĺby, ale jednotlivé ramená. V podstate len tým názvoslovím ma to zaujíma :)
09.08.2021 - 12:23:07
Obyčajne sa rátajú iba tie čapy, ktoré majú vplyv na trajektóriu zadného kolesa, takže čapy uchytenia tlmiča sú z tohoto hľadiska nepodstatné...
09.08.2021 - 12:28:01

"These use a rigid rear triangle, articulating on a pair of short links which connect it to the mainframe. It actually works in a similar way to a Horst-link design — imagine moving the Horst-link’s chainstay pivot much closer to the mainframe and you have the basis of a twin-link system. The only real difference is the length of the lower link. The Fuji Rakan illustrates this lack of distinction, like a missing link between the two styles.

As with the Horst-link design, here the axle’s direction is tangential to a moving instant-centre, while the related concept of the centre of curvature, or ‘virtual pivot point’, defines the way in which the axle path curves through its travel. "

takze si kupil dalsi bicykel s najhorsim systemom :)
09.08.2021 - 12:31:12
muffin ja viem... ale nie vsetci....

MageZ: ,,takze si kupil dalsi bicykel s najhorsim systemom ´´ .... musis dospiet este ;) ...

a aby to nebol iba marketing vyrobcu tak:

,,Why CBF?

CBF™ focuses on designing rear suspension around the Center of Curvature (CC). Until now, most suspension systems have focused solely on the instant center. CBF points the chainline and corresponding drive forces around the top of the chainring through 100-percent of the travel resulting in maximum pedaling efficiency, regardless of where you are in the travel, what terrain you are on or what kind of power you’re putting down. All the power you put into the pedals goes into turning the rear wheel allowing the suspension to do its job completely independent of drivetrain and braking forces and making the sag setting much less critical. When we first rode the largely-unknown CBF system, we knew it was something special, and we knew we could make the best riding carbon mountain bikes using this magical formula.,,

pri citlivosti, trakcii, prepakovania a slapavosti sa dal porovnavat iba ibis s dw linkom... ale kamos ma rozbity tlmic,,, takze nebolo to relevantne....
09.08.2021 - 12:40:35
co to meni na fakte, ze si kupil dasi 4 cap?
09.08.2021 - 12:52:32
preco 4cap? nie nahodou virtual ? inak povedane modofikacia DW linku....
09.08.2021 - 15:00:26
lebo to je tiez 4 cap
09.08.2021 - 15:09:41
a dvojcap?
09.08.2021 - 16:45:54
09.08.2021 - 23:16:18

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