Moj Edge 830 ma niekedy problem ak mam k mobilu pripojene smarthodinky. Ale ak hodinky nie su sparovane, Edge sa sparuje s mobilom okamzite. Nemam vypadky v pripojeni vobec. To bude asi nejaky rezim v mobile, ktory vypina BT kvoli setreniu.
01.02.2021 - 16:28:26
Z Garmin supportu odpisali, ze je potrebne ma uplne posledny verziu IoS. Co ja ocividne nemam. With Apple everything needs to be up to date. Otherwise it will cause connection issues. Vyskusam, uvidim.
01.02.2021 - 17:11:21
Pri parovani sa vytvoria 2 spojenia, BT a BLE. Vsimol som si, ze blbne iba BT, BLE neblbne, vzdy sa pripoji.
01.02.2021 - 17:12:52
ano presne, vzdy iba to jedno blbne
01.02.2021 - 17:16:18
Ake BT a BLE?
01.02.2021 - 17:39:46
Keď si pozrieš výpis sparovaných BT zariadení tak sú tam dve. Jedno ka v zátvorke BT, druhé BLE.
01.02.2021 - 17:43:53
No ja mam len jedno. Neviem o tom ze by bol rozdiel... Tiez ked pouzijem nRF Connect, ktory pouzivam na nRF52, tak scanner vidi len jedno zariadenie patriace tomu garminu..
01.02.2021 - 19:33:41
Možno to robí len iOS, netuším. Tiež som sa čudoval keď som si to prvý krát všimol, že sú tam dve 530.
01.02.2021 - 20:04:30
BLE je bluetooth low energy, garmin o tom pise, ze preco 2x

During normal operation the Edge stays connected to the phone using an "Edge" or "BLE_Edge" connection (Bluetooth Low Energy connection) and does not stay connected to the phone over the "BT_Edge" connection (Bluetooth Classic connection). The Edge/BLE_Edge connection allows smart notifications from the phone to be displayed on the Edge while the BT_Edge connection will automatically connect only when larger files need to be transferred (i.e. when you have a saved ride that needs to be uploaded). This is because the BT_Edge connection allows for much faster transfer speeds than the Edge/BLE_Edge connection, but it also uses more power.

Asi je v tom hokej, ked je starsi iOS
01.02.2021 - 21:25:59
Ocividne v tom je hokej aj pri najnovsom iOS.
01.02.2021 - 23:03:08
Asi tak, mám poslednú vydanú 14.4
01.02.2021 - 23:04:39
Ale nie je to len iOS, znamy ma Xperiu (aj ked uz trochu starsiu) a tiez mu to obcas hapruje (aj ked mam pocit, ze menej casto).
01.02.2021 - 23:19:12
Ito - dik - to ciastocne vysvetluje, co sa vlastne deje. Cize v momente ked sa BT automaticky odpoji, zostane len BLE a v nejakom zakladnom rezime je to sparovane. Akurat podla nasich skusenosti sa BT uz nepripoji naspat automaticky a musis to nejak vynutit. Som schopny s tym, zit, ale idealne by bolo zistit, ako to najelegantnejsie pripojit manualne, nech to nemusim zakazdym skusat viacerymi sposobmi.
02.02.2021 - 09:36:43
Hej, sak toto .. co som pozeral, tak Garmin s BT mal issues pri iOS 11, 13 .. cize furt :D

Ale nasiel som toto v ich faq:

If you are having issues getting your Edge connected to your iPhone it is important to note that the pairing process must be completed through the Garmin Connect app. Pairing your Edge directly to the Bluetooth settings on your iPhone will result in issues syncing information back and forth with your Garmin Connect account.

If you are getting the message below during the pairing process we need to reset and remove all Bluetooth related settings on your Edge and on your Phone. Then we can walk you through the process of pairing your Edge with your iPhone through the Garmin Connect app.

Neviem, ci to pomoze, tato info.

Ja mam na jednom NB s Intel BT problem, ze sa zasekava, chcipa .. nic nepomohlo, nakoniec som to zablokoval a idem cez 2$ cinsky BT kluc a je pokoj.
02.02.2021 - 09:53:58
Inac co pisu, ze to mas sparovat cez tu Connect appku - tak to mi vzdy zdalo najotravnejsie a aj to sa sekalo.
02.02.2021 - 10:28:21