..dúfam,že sa bude niekto kompetentný konečne zaoberať úrovňou našej xco rep.
30.07.2017 - 23:37:30
Janka Števková na jednej z pasáží na ME XCO :)


20413964_1655384057806616_6981123492307218190_o.jpg 574.59 KiB thumb_up0thumb_down

31.07.2017 - 07:54:28
Ak by sa naše média začali zaujímať o XC, hneď by sa tam začali tlačiť aj sponzori, aj peniaze...však reklama a okamžite by šlo XCčko hore, ale na to by tam musela byť nejaká mediálna hviezda typu Peťko, ktorá je pre média zaujívavá...moj názor. :)
31.07.2017 - 10:02:11
Lenže Sagan je v prvom rade výkonnostná hviezda a to je to čo ťahá následne sponzorov a médiá.Naše xc najprv musí niekoho takého vychovať.
31.07.2017 - 11:15:38
www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA_T5n_Izk4 - z pohladu Bartlomieja Wawaka
01.08.2017 - 01:13:03
Zo statusu na FB Anniky Langvad uverejneného pred tromi hodinami :o
"Missing!!! Hi Air Canada! Today I'm racing the mounrainbike World Cup in Quebec. I've now been without my two bikes since Thursday without getting any information on their whereabouts and I'm leaving Canada tomorrow. Can I expect to have my bikes for the next World Cup race? Information is completely lacking - a true nightmare!"
06.08.2017 - 16:30:15
A ja že dnes sa Nino trápi... :D ale zase urval a už ho nedobehnú...
06.08.2017 - 21:51:41
5 kolo a bolo vymalované :-)
06.08.2017 - 22:20:56
Fumica zostrelil ten Ninov utok v piatom kole. Neskutocny.
06.08.2017 - 22:51:32
Fumic mal pekne "nakúpené" !
07.08.2017 - 07:39:02
Nova Cup tu nemá tému, tak to dám sem...chystal som sa na tú trasu Extrém, ale nedávno to posunuli o týždeň skôr a tak som to zrušil kvôli inej bikovej akcii...uvidíme ako to bude o rok :)

14.08.2017 - 08:47:53
pre info prave prebiehaju ME mladeze v MTB v Grazi. Len skoda ze nasi tam nemaju narodny tim :-(. Ale mame tam 4 kluby mladych tak drzme palce :-) . Vcera CYS akademia skoncila v kategorii U15 (starsi ziaci ) na vybornom 4 mieste v timovej casovke

15.08.2017 - 16:11:24
Situácia okolo Jenny Rissveds a prečo vynecháva toľko pretekov v sezóne vrátane MS.
Vyjadrenie Jenny na FB:
"Hello, it's me. Messy times at the moment, no, actually not just at the moment. This has been an ongoing thing since February last year when my name got sold and contracts were unluckily signed above my head. I don't wanna hang out anybody or throw shit on anybody, that's not who I am. I'm the last one in this war who should excuse myself or apologize, but however I wanna apologize in advance to you who actually are innocent, but will get in trouble because of politics, people who are weak and people who are too proud to swallow their pride. Please, I beg you all out there to not throw shit at POC, UCI or anyone else who actually TRIED to solve the problem and who TRIED to help myself, my team and my Swedish riding colleagues out of this. It's not about which products are the esthetically nicest, it's not about my team making money out of this, it's not about the Swedish cycling federation in general and it's not about me. This is about so much more. Either way we are all gonna lose in the end of this story, but it's fair to say I'm the one who lost the most the last one and a half year. I feel sad, I feel used and if it wouldn't be for the people around me, who's fighting day and night for my rights, I would have been deeply worried about my future. Either you take your part, you stay natural and watch it from the outside or you don't give a shit about this whole mess. But what's the most important for me to know is that all the people who brought me all the way here will bring me even further and I know that they will always keep my back, no matter what. I'm sure the each of you who had the time to read all the way down here also know who's having my back and who's not having my back in this conflict.
16.08.2017 - 12:23:02
17.08.2017 - 08:29:38
Nemôže súťažiť pre dres, šortky, prilbu, okuliare, rukavice a ponožky...na jednej strane choré, na strane druhej nič neobvyklé...bežný konflikt záujmov na ktorý dopláca len Jenny.
17.08.2017 - 10:08:40