lto staci si to najst a otvorit. mozes prispiet
mariotn na oficial everesting mam svoj nazor, na druhu stranu ked bol prvy boom v zahranici tak som sa inspiroval, trochu potrenoval a zajazdil si svoju verziu kde islo len o vypocitane vyskove, bez toho aby by to niekto vedel. I tak som gps a soc siete nemal :D. Teraz si potichu trenujem na dalsiu vyzvu na ktoru som sa inspiroval viacerimi podobnymi prispevkami, a zase si ju odjazdim tak ze o nej snad nikto nebude vediet. Preco to robim? Neviem. Preco ludia lezu na kopce, preco posuvaju svoje hranice? Chcem si dokazat ze na to mam, nabrat kondicku a v neposlednom rade znovu s radostou odignorovat "oficialny" zapis. Kazdy si v tom moze najst to svoje. No a v tomto konkretnom pripade je to i ako zaujimavy socialmarketing na zbierku pre utecencov.
02.04.2022 - 20:37:01
Hotovo 👌🏻🚴‍♂️❄️
03.04.2022 - 20:51:41
mariotn napísal:
Piny prosím nejako mi objasni, opíš ten pocit, lebo ja si život bez športu predstaviť neviem. Lyžujem od 3 rokov, od 7 rokov cyklotrial, od 10 rokov plávam (športová škola), rýchlostná kanoistika profesionálne 12 rokov, a teraz fitko a bajk. Áno chápem everesting - posúvanie hraníc, ale s rozumom. Poniektorí ešte pre dvomi, tromi rokmi sedeli v krčme s cigaretou v ruke a teraz sú z nich veľký športovci - "everestery" a idú na hranu a úkor svojho zdravia. Tak to nepochopím.

Človek vždy chcel ísť stále vyššie, hlbšie, polárnejšie, okolo sveta a pod, byť prvý cez oceány, prieplavy či už stojom alebo svojpomocne a hlavne najrýchlejšie. A vždy sa to dialo za pozornosti celého sveta - hoc správy po ceste cestovali niekedy rýchlosťou “osla”. A väčšina svoj pokus ani neprežila. Dnes je to iné v tom, že páčik ti v jednom momente môžu dať ľudia z celého sveta. Nemusíš čakať mesiace, roky kedy sa tvoja “sláva” dostane do posledného kúta… A ešte dnes svoje rôzne šialenstvá väčšina aj prežije :lol:
14.04.2022 - 16:36:54
PINY zihadlo 5 v sobotu 18.6. asi budem škrečkovať na Kubínke, hádam vyjde počasie
13.06.2022 - 09:33:23
milos21 napísal:
PINY zihadlo 5 v sobotu 18.6. asi budem škrečkovať na Kubínke, hádam vyjde počasie

Prídem 😉
Odkiaľ začínaš? Od Belezu?
13.06.2022 - 09:50:08
milos21 napísal:
PINY zihadlo 5 v sobotu 18.6. asi budem škrečkovať na Kubínke, hádam vyjde počasie

Tak tento mesiac je dres zadara k everestingu treba vyuzit ;) . Len Nedelu ma byt uz horucava aspon unas.
13.06.2022 - 10:02:14
ale tam staci to dat za mesiac :D
13.06.2022 - 10:06:05
Le col je za 35 libier + náklady na dopravu (nie zadarmo)

Naposledy upravil JohnnyZLiptova dňa 13.06.2022 - 10:08:37, celkovo upravené 1 krát.

13.06.2022 - 10:06:35
hej ale ked to das na supu ako Milos tak je Free

Want to push yourself even harder to improve your chances of winning big? Strava Subscribers who complete the full 8848m of elevation in one activity will unlock and earn the limited edition Le Col 8848 jersey for free.
13.06.2022 - 10:08:30
Rozumiem tomu dobre ze to nemusi byt everesting?
13.06.2022 - 10:24:51
ak chces zadarmo tak podla popisu staci nastupat za jeden vyjazd tych 8848, ak chces za 35 GBP + posta tak staci za mesiac

tu je to cele
Elevate your 2022 ambitions with the Le Col x Strava 8848 Climbing Challenge. Accumulate 8848m of elevation gain on Strava between the 1st and 30th of June to complete this challenge and unlock a limited edition Le Col 8848 jersey.

To get the most out of this challenge you'll need to be a Strava Subscriber as well a member of the Le Col Cycling Club (LC__CC).



Anyone who completes the elevation goal during the challenge period will unlock the Limited Edition Le Col 8848 jersey to buy at and Strava Subscribers who complete the challenge in multiple activities will unlock the jersey for just £35 (RRP at £135) plus postage and packaging.

Want to push yourself even harder to improve your chances of winning big? Strava Subscribers who complete the full 8848m of elevation in one activity will unlock and earn the limited edition Le Col 8848 jersey for free.

LC__CC membership is required in order to validate your Everest attempt and unlock your jersey as soon as you complete. Sign up today and earn points while you ride.

Throughout the challenge, you can also start to take part in the LC__CC Season Pass by completing a number of ‘stages’ and unlock additional benefits by doing so. To start completing Season Pass stages, all you need to do is sign up or log in to LC_CC here:

Details & Eligibility
Accumulate 8848m of elevation gain on Strava between the 1st and 30th of June to unlock a limited edition Le Col 8848 jersey.

Additional Info
The challenge starts and ends based on each participant's local time zone.

Ride and run activities, both GPS and virtual, will count toward this challenge. There is no minimum time per activity. Manual activities will not count toward this challenge. Goal progress is measured by each activity's elevation gain.

Activities visible to "Everyone," "Only You" or "Followers Only" are eligible for this challenge. Any qualifying activity, whether private or not, will count towards your private progress, badges, and rewards for this challenge. To respect activity visibility settings, only activities marked as visible to Everyone will be applied toward leaderboard rankings. Manual activities will not count towards your leaderboard ranking. Your followers may see notifications that you've joined or completed this challenge, but your activities will remain private according to your Privacy Controls.

We expect all athletes to honour the Strava Community Standards, which includes abiding by all health advisements and restrictions in your area prior to undertaking any physical activity.

If you are located in an area that does not allow outdoor activity, you may not participate except by means of virtual or indoor activity (i.e. turbo trainer, Zwift rides, etc.). Please see our blog with information about exercising during a pandemic.

For any questions regarding the challenge and any associated prizes or awards, please contact Le Col.

The content in this challenge is the sole expression of Le Col.

Please note – the jersey is available to buy or pre-order until August 31st 2022. If you would like to order a jersey, please ensure your order is placed by this date at the latest.

To learn more about how to use Strava, please visit the Strava Support Center or email All other inquiries should be directed to Le Col.

Prize eligibility and fulfillment is at the sole discretion of Le Col. The description of this challenge is provided by Le Col. The partner Le Col may require you to provide certain information to validate your identity in order for you to collect a reward or prize they are offering in connection with your completion of the Challenge. Please see Le Col promotion rules for more information.

Upon completion of the challenge, Strava Subscribers and LC__CC members who achieve the challenge goal within one activity will receive a discount code enabling them to secure the jersey free of charge. Strava Subscribers and LC__CC members completing with multiple activities will receive a £100 discount code enabling them to purchase the jersey for £35 plus postage and packaging.

Athletes completing the challenge in one activity or more but non Strava Subscribers will unlock the limited edition jersey for purchase at full price. Membership of LC__CC is required for verification, but users are free to unlink their Strava accounts after the event. Users will be required to enter their details to receive Le Col's email newsletter, as well as the discount vouchers. After subscribing, a participant can unsubscribe at any time, and receive no further communication from Le Col, yet retain the validity of their reward. All entrants must be over 18 years old and must abide by the competition Terms & Conditions, available here:
13.06.2022 - 10:27:46
Hosť napísal:
Rozumiem tomu dobre ze to nemusi byt everesting?

Ano chapem to tak ... staci jeden vyjazd s 8848 metrami. Osobne mam uz >8848 tento mesiac ako viac vyjazdov cize mi prisiel reward ze si ho mozem kupit za tu znizenu cenu ale rozmyslam ze to skusim aj na jeden tiez tento vikend. Treba byt ale platiaci clen Stravy a pridat si LeCol ako groupu (aspon na to obdobie kym pride dres).
13.06.2022 - 10:30:10
a nie je LC__CC member ten co je zaregistrovany u nich na stranke v sekcii member?
uz som tam nieco kupoval a ked sa prihlasim tak som LC__CC member
na strave ale v ich skupine nie som

inak pisu ze to musi byt "one activity" cize staci jazdit stale na jednu aktivitu niekolko vyjazdov a sejvnut to az po 8848vm :D
btw pre niektorych staci nahravat mobilom a budu to mat raz dva :D
13.06.2022 - 10:35:10
scarinko napísal:
a nie je LC__CC member ten co je zaregistrovany u nich na stranke v sekcii member?
uz som tam nieco kupoval a ked sa prihlasim tak som LC__CC member
na strave ale v ich skupine nie som

asi ano.. tak nejak no nebol som si isty co je co ... ale hej vyplnil som aj tu registraciu no tam uz som tiez bol z minuleho roku... ved uz kto chce tak si to precita v tom popise.
13.06.2022 - 10:37:44
Originál dres od zakladateľov stránky Everesting, HELLS 500 si môžu kúpiť len tí, ktorí ho reálne urobia a potvrdia im ho na stránke. Každému príde na mail kód, ktorý ho oprávňuje na kúpu dresu ;)
Ja som ho vôbec nevyužila, mne to príde drahé.
13.06.2022 - 10:41:33