to "starnutie" lítiových batérií veľmi závisí na kvalite článkov - iPhone 3GS mi po 4 rokoch stále vydrží rovnako (no, možno o nejakých 10% menej, ale subjektívne mi to príde rovnako, nabíjam raz za 2-3 dni, keď je
baterka medzi 30-50%)...
V tomto smere mi príde byť spomínaný
Oppo Find 5 celkom zaujímavý: "With our casual usage of mostly Wifi and at least 2 hours of "screen on" time, checking email, playing a short amount of casual games and keeping up with social media accounts the Find 5 would hit a "full" 12 hour day of use.
In more intense situations when out of the house on mobile data and using the camera, Google Maps and pinging
GPS more often, the battery dropped like a rock. There were a few days where the Find 5 barely made it to the 8 hour mark before we were searching for a plug, and that's a little worrying."