PaliG: V čom vidíš pre seba nebezpečné tracking cookies? Neboj, oni necucajú od teba žiadne tajné informácie.
02.11.2006 - 21:27:30
podla ad-aware-u existuje nieco ako tracking cookie...preto ich castejsie mazem, nechavam si len zname kolaciky :wink:

Ad-aware ale hovori:

A tracking cookie is data stored on your computer in the form of a cookie and is shared between two or more websites to enable them to track your movements across the web. This will help them gather information about your interests and tailor special marketing for you and gather statistics when visiting their sites. While these tracking cookies are NOT in any way harmful for your computer you might feel they are an intrusion to your privacy. Ad-Aware supplies you with the ability to remove these tracking cookies if you wish to do so.

Pokial si xces byt naozaj isty svojou bezpecnostou na internete, musis ho prestat pouzivat.
02.11.2006 - 21:54:58
tak dakujem za infos :wink:
03.11.2006 - 10:18:14
chcel som sa spytat...v praci na notebooku som raz premazal cookies a uz absolutne neni problem,prihlasuje ma spolahlivo a bez problemov. Sranda je ale, ze ked sa chcem do fora dostat doma na svojom kompe,musim cookies premazavat zas a znovu dokola.Skratka vzdy ked sa chcem prihlasit.

uz som na to prisiel...keby nahodou mal niekto podobny problem...Mazal som cookies cez control panel/internet options ... co bola blbost :roll:
akonahle som ich premazal v prehliadaci, bolo po probleme...tiez ma to mohlo napadnut skor :oops:
03.11.2006 - 19:55:49
karabaster: Ak nepoužívaš ako prehliadač IE, tak vymazávanie koláčov cez control panel nemá vplyv.
03.11.2006 - 19:58:01