... ešte mi zostáva zohnať 16z Shimano pastorok ;).

Skús napísať do Werku ;) Inak majú aj NW prevodníky iba za 999,- Kč (36,99 Eur).
01.03.2015 - 22:55:57
Objednaný set 1x10 z Bike24.de. Uvidíme kedy tovar dorazí, ešte mi zostáva zohnať 16z Shimano pastorok ;).

Ja ten 16z nejazdim,mam skok 15-19. Vyskusaj najprv ake to bude.
02.03.2015 - 06:55:52
Určite dám vedieť ako to chodí. Idem skúsiť objednať z bikecomponents.de. Dík za tipy.
02.03.2015 - 08:00:39
Chalani, tak nahodil som pastorok 16z Shimano(diel z kazety 11-32 10SP) z bike-components.de, nastavil prehadzovac a radenie a beha to dobre. Zaradim, preradi... odradim a pekne spadne dole. Ziadne cakania, cisto to beha po celej kazete. Co ma vsak prekvapilo je hlucnost a odpor 1x10 hlavne na 42T. Mam zostavu kazeta XT 11-36 + OneUp 42T, prehadzovac XT Shadow+ + RADr Cage OneUp, radenie Saint 820 B-I. Uvidime v terene...
02.03.2015 - 08:41:17
posunut retazovu linku dovnutra by nepomohlo?
02.03.2015 - 08:44:30
možno je príliš pritiahnutá brzda na prehadzovačke,skús ju trochu povoliť
02.03.2015 - 09:13:34
O akej hlučnosti je reč? Že zarapoce pri radení na 42t, či pri jazdení na ňom? Ja mám prakticky identický setup (len XT shifter) a radenie aj na 42t je pomerne rýchle, ale fakt je, že je hlučnejšie, ten skok je veľký. Pri jazde je ticho, ani necítiť odpor.
02.03.2015 - 17:55:18
Mne tiez zarapoce,ale naskakuje okamzite. Inac prevodnik by som asi dal este nejaky milimeter donutra.
02.03.2015 - 19:14:10
Pri radeni to nie je hlucne. Akurat ked uz je nahodeny 42T tak to huci. Vsimol som si, ze ako pise resurection chcelo by to posunut prevodnik este nejaky milimeter dovnutra. E13 ma male odsadenie. Ale na rapotanie kaslat, hlavne ze to cisto radi...lebo ako som cital prispevky v tejto teme a aj na bike-fore tak som mal celkom obavu, ci sa to bude dat na shimane vyladit.
03.03.2015 - 06:41:15
Da sa vyladit. Neexistuju nejake podlozky pod prevodnik? Alebo treba len zo zeleziarstva? 30z ma retazovu linku 47.5,tam uz to bude fajn.
03.03.2015 - 06:48:48
na ruzom biku je clanok inside sram, toť citat:)
Their original idea was that it should feature a 9-36 tooth cassette, but testing showed that a 9 tooth sprocket was both difficult to make work in terms of shifting performance and longevity on the bike, so they backed off to a ten tooth on the small end and added the extra range at the top of the cassette.

Som to hadzal do kalkulacky, dobre, ze im to nefungovalo:)
09.03.2015 - 14:20:34
túto značku skúšal niekto -
nejaké lacné oproti konkurencii
09.03.2015 - 18:14:02
na ruzom biku je clanok inside sram, toť citat:)
Their original idea was that it should feature a 9-36 tooth cassette, but testing showed that a 9 tooth sprocket was both difficult to make work in terms of shifting performance and longevity on the bike, so they backed off to a ten tooth on the small end and added the extra range at the top of the cassette.

Som to hadzal do kalkulacky, dobre, ze im to nefungovalo:)

Na 9 zubovom pastorku sa začal prejavovať tzv. Pollygon efekt a preto to zavrhli.
09.03.2015 - 20:33:24
Co to znamena?
10.03.2015 - 06:17:16
The Polygon Effect (Chordal Action) – A roller chain that engages a sprocket forms what is referred to as a polygon. Sprockets are subjected to an acceleration and a deceleration effect, when the chain enters and exists off the sprocket, the chain performs a ride up / ride down motion referred to as the “polygon effect”. This effect increases with smaller numbers of sprocket teeth. This can lead to the chain becoming jerky with some variations in speed. As shown in the diagram, an 11 tooth sprocket can impact the speed variation by 4%, where a 21 tooth sprocket speed variation is 1% and with a 30 tooth sprocket speed variation is only 0.5%. A small number of sprocket teeth not only increases the “polygon effect” but it also increases chain wear via an increase in chain link joint motion. Engineering design should consider this factor when selecting chain drive components.

Viac tu: http://www.conbear.com/files/content.php?sec=online-resources&sec2=technical-information&sec3=chain-and-sprockets&lang=id
10.03.2015 - 07:06:25