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directions_bikeToo Short Hills 🤷‍♂️

It"s hard to find motivation here after trip in Dolimites 🥱 Hills are too short and temperature too high 😕 and too much alergens in the air 🤧 I need more 🌲🏔🌲🏔
Month May status: 2 650km / 41 500m

Bicykel lock_open

place Graf prevýšenia

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trending_up Vzdialenosť
100 km
schedule Čas
landscape Nastúpané
1 000 m


Priemer Max
Rýchlosť 30,3 km/h 67,4 km/h
Výkon 204 W -
Kadencia 72 rpm -
Tepová frekvencia 148 bpm 175 bpm
Energetický výdaj 2 331 kcal


Priemerná teplota 20 °C

directions_bike Posledné aktivity bikera


directions_bike The Last Ultra Party 🚴‍♂️⛈️⛰️

trending_up 556,5 km
schedule 21:07:59
landscape 6 530 m

directions_bike Storm & Heat 🥵 Short Workout

trending_up 150,0 km
schedule 04:40:46
landscape 1 294 m

directions_bike The Final Stage

trending_up 226,9 km
schedule 09:03:19
landscape 3 529 m

place Segmenty

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