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directions_bikeI sat next to a woman that was eating spaghetti out of a bag.

What a ride!!! Absolutely, unconditionally love the summer.

Bicykel lock_open

place Graf prevýšenia

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trending_up Vzdialenosť
64,1 km
schedule Čas
landscape Nastúpané
647 m


Priemer Max
Rýchlosť 28,7 km/h 53,7 km/h
Výkon 163 W -
Tepová frekvencia 66 bpm 126 bpm
Energetický výdaj 340 kcal


Priemerná teplota 30 °C
directions_bike Bicykel: GT series 4

directions_bike Posledné aktivity bikera


directions_bike You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious.

trending_up 20,2 km
schedule 00:48:10
landscape 219 m

rowing Swim - Got my priorities straight.

trending_up 0,8 km
schedule 00:37:42
landscape 0 m

directions_walk If you find me collapsed on the side of the road, please pause my GPS.

trending_up 4,1 km
schedule 01:02:49
landscape 44 m

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