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directions_bikeL’etape Road race - 8th/37 (🥇 in team cat)

Legs were way better and the overall feeling was not that bad either - it’s all I could do today. Gave everything I had and enjoyed for the most part.

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place Graf prevýšenia

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trending_up Vzdialenosť
124 km
schedule Čas
landscape Nastúpané
1 564 m


Priemer Max
Rýchlosť 32,2 km/h 82,6 km/h
Výkon 185 W 894 W
Kadencia 77 rpm -
Tepová frekvencia 148 bpm 182 bpm
Energetický výdaj 2 947 kcal


Priemerná teplota 23 °C

directions_bike Posledné aktivity bikera


directions_bike Endurance - Neusiedler

trending_up 101,2 km
schedule 03:16:04
landscape 372 m

directions_bike Few bits … no time for more

trending_up 34,0 km
schedule 01:16:48
landscape 395 m

directions_bike So fking happy

trending_up 7,7 km
schedule 00:46:14
landscape 14 m

place Segmenty

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