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directions_walkChôdza - I do yoga, chant mantras, drink kombucha and I still want to smack some people in the face.

https://www.Bandok.com - Give your activities the names they deserve.

Chôdza lock_open

place Graf prevýšenia

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trending_up Vzdialenosť
3,8 km
schedule Čas
landscape Nastúpané
47,0 m


Priemer Max
Rýchlosť 5,4 km/h 14,8 km/h
Kadencia 60 rpm -
Tepová frekvencia 89 bpm 120 bpm
Energetický výdaj 282 kcal


Priemerná teplota 30 °C

directions_bike Posledné aktivity bikera


directions_bike You've gotta cross over the anger bridge and come back to the friendship shore.

trending_up 79,2 km
schedule 02:39:43
landscape 622 m

directions_bike You'll always be fine. You'll always be interesting, with your quirky cafe and your dead best friend. You just make me feel like I've failed.

trending_up 36,3 km
schedule 01:40:22
landscape 500 m

directions_walk Like Barry White eating wasps.

trending_up 2,4 km
schedule 00:26:33
landscape 135 m