Zdravím, chcem sa opýtať na jednu vec. Predávam
bike a ozval sa mi jeden pán že by ho zobral. Dohodli sme sa na cene a napísal mi tento e-mail:
It is my pleasure to read from you once again. In regards to your email, i am ok with the price and the condition of the bike as you have stated in your email and i will like to get it as soon as possible. I will be paying via PayPal (
www.paypal.com), because it is an Instant payment and secure for online purchases and The bike will be picked up from you by a private transport company after i have completed all the payment and you have gotten your money. So kindly get back to me with your PayPal details as listed below (Name, PayPal Registered Email & Tel) so that i can proceed with the payment through PayPal.
I wait to read from you.
Z toho súdim že peniaze mi pošle cez paypal a potom bude bike vyzdvihnutý nejakou súkromnou dopravnou spoločnosťou ( neviem si to predstaviť). Mohli by ste mi poradiť či je to bezpečné? Asi by som to nemal takto zverejňovať ale nechcem byť oklamaný. Jeho meno je James Morgan (jeho meno zverejňujem len preto či ho náhodou niekto nepozná a či to nie je nejaká "známa" firma). Ďakujem za rady.