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07.10.2023 - 14:13:26
chcelo by to viac info o co ide. Ale Akulaku je poskytovatel nebankovych poziciek v Indonezii. Mal som ich na Mintose. Mali nejake problemy, ale splatili vsetko

As of 14.06.2021, Mintos has fully recovered investors funds from Akulaku 6 months ahead of schedule.

June 3 2021: Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid €7 717 927. As shared with investors with active investments in loans issued by Akulaku, the macroeconomic situation in Indonesia is improving, and Akulaku has outperformed its expectations in terms of portfolio growth and performance. Coupled with a recently completed equity raise, Akulaku has improved its financial standing, making it possible to increase repayments to Mintos investors. The company and Mintos agreed on increased repayments 6 months ahead of the previously agreed repayments schedule. Full recovery is yet to be reached.

May 6 2021: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to investors on Mintos according to the agreed schedule - full repayment will be made by 20 December 2021. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid €981 458.

April 1 2021: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to investors on Mintos according to the agreed schedule - full repayment will be made by 20 December 2021. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid € 781 933, including principal and interest.

March 5 2021: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to investors on Mintos according to the agreed schedule - full repayment will be made by 20 December 2021. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid € 788 346, including principal and interest.

February 4 2021: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to Mintos investors according to the agreed schedule - full repayment will be made by 20 December 2021. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid € 973 811, including principal and interest.

January 7 2021: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to Mintos investors according to the agreed schedule - full repayment will be made by 20 December 2021. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid € 846 278, including principal and interest.

November 27 2020: Akulaku continues making weekly repayments to Mintos investors, according to the agreed schedule. Since the last update, Akulaku has repaid € 668 883, including principal and interest. November 9 2020: Mintos has signed a new debt restructuring agreement with Akulaku. According to the agreement, Akulaku will make weekly payments to Mintos investors and the 100% recovery of interest and principal is expected to be reached by 20 December 2021. The interest on pending payments will accrue and will be payable after the principal and accrued interest on the principal is paid down in full.

October 30 2020: On 16 April 2020, Akulaku was suspended from the Primary and Secondary Markets due to late payment settlement. Since the last update, the situation remains unchanged. The lending company is making payments according to the agreed-upon schedule each week. Up to date, Akulaku has repaid more than € 6.5 million and we're currently in the final stages of agreeing on a new repayment schedule in the interest of investors on Mintos. We will share an update in this space if that is concluded prior to the next monthly update, at the end of November 2020.
07.10.2023 - 17:13:35
Oto nejde ale niekto si požičia 34€ a spláca to rok?
07.10.2023 - 17:17:10
v indonezii je to rocny plat
07.10.2023 - 17:25:14
Vybral som 6 nahodnych poziciek, do ktorych som mal zainvestovane a pozicky boli na celkove sumy: 93 / 42 / 13 / 170 / 45 / 48. Vacsina bola na 6 mesiacov.
07.10.2023 - 17:51:20
vyborne :)

Ako svedkovia na súde vypovedali aj ľudia, ktorí investičné životné poistenie známe pod skratkou IŽP v minulosti predávali. Tvrdili, že boli školení tak, aby ho ponúkali s „18-percentným štátom garantovaným výnosom“. Hovoria, že v čase, keď uzatvárali poistky, ľudia nemohli vedieť o všetkých poplatkoch, ktoré mali poisťovni platiť, lebo ich ani sami nepoznali.
22.01.2024 - 22:25:17
toto je tiez zaujimave
trojsky kon v Exxon mobile v podobe aktivistickych akcionarov :lol:
22.01.2024 - 22:29:36
ak by chcel niekto vidiet stvrtrocne vysledky znamych spolocnosti (na US burze), spracovane v jednoduchej prehladnej infografike, tak odporucam tuto stranku, prip. aspon ich twitter/YT kanal
08.02.2024 - 22:20:26
na X maju vlastny profil, netreba sa nikam prihlasovat
28.04.2024 - 10:50:25